BRIT Goes Green initiative wins at the Creative Green Awards 2020 with Julie's Bicycles


Just last year The BRIT School committed to its very first Environmental Policy and Action Plan, aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals. Led by enthusiastic and smart students inspired and energised by the likes of Fridays for Future and the student strikes, The BRIT School launched the ‘BRIT Goes Green’ campaign, getting to grips with waste and recycling, ethical procurement, and using its perhaps unique capacity to support young people with creative climate projects and outreach.

The Best Newcomer award recognises organisations who completed their first Creative Green assessment this year and are already displaying an exceptional commitment to sustainability.

Assistant Principal Ray Oudkerk leads our environmental and climate work and the #BRITGoesGreen programme at The BRIT School. 

He said, "Our staff and students have embraced using their creative voices to move us forward at pace. At the start of this term, I overheard a Year 11 student telling a new Year 10 student, they needed to “recycle properly because BRIT Goes Green” and realised we had come a long way in our first year of focus. Julie's Bicycle have really supported us on this journey so far and we look forward o pushing the Green ambitions we have embedded in our strategic five year plan.”