The Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation Stepping-Stone Bursary at The BRIT School is awarded to an exceptional student from the School’s Production Arts course who wishes to further their training in the creative industries. The Foundation – which is committed to widening opportunities and breaking down barriers to creative young people – pays for bursary winners’ first year of fees at a university or vocational institution.

 Rafaella Pontes DeFreitas (Ella) is a Year 13 Production Arts student specialising in Costume who has won the 2023 bursary following last year's winner, Dominic Shah, who’s now developing his craft at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama.

Andrew Lloyd Webber said of the award: “I am thrilled to see another brilliant student looking to further their training in the creative industries. The future of the arts rests on young, exciting people like Rafaella. Good luck and I can’t wait to see your costumes on the stage soon!”  

Ella said: “It hasn’t sunk in properly that I’ve been chosen and it means that people have seen the confidence and passion I have for costume. Knowing that people see it makes me see it in myself.  I’m currently working on a Musical Theatre Production of 'Spring Awakening' as a costume designer which has been amazing and stretched me in order to create and reflect the dark themes of teenage experience.

"I’m applying for Wimbledon College of Arts - University of the Arts London - to study costume and I think I will gain a lot from it and they will expect a lot. I am a designer and a maker and I enjoy making things I design. My family heritage is Portuguese and my Dad moved here and didn’t go to uni so this would mean a lot. "

"Thank you Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation - you have no idea what this opportunity means to me and how far this will go to help me reach higher in my chosen field of costume.”

Stuart Worden, Principal said: “On behalf of the school, congratulations to Rafaella for this incredible achievement."