The School day starts at 8.45 am.  All sessions are 1 hour or multiples of 1 hour.  We run a continuous day with flexible lunch arrangements. The main teaching sessions end at 1.15pm on Friday. On other days they may end at different times depending on the year group.

Our school year is organised into five terms of eight weeks, with a two week holiday between terms (four/five weeks in the summer).

Academic Year


INSET Days (Only Staff in School)




  • Tuesday 29th August & Wednesday 30th August 2023
  • Friday 17th November 2023
  • Friday 9th February 2024
  • Tuesday 2nd April 2024
  • Tuesday 27th & Wednesday 28th August 2024

Start of Term 1 (2023/2024)


End of Term 1

INSET Day for Staff: Tuesday 29th & Wednesday 30th August 2023

Students in Years 10 & 12: Thursday 31st August 2023
Students in Years 11,13 & 14: Monday 4th September 2023 to Friday 20th October 2023

Half Term: Monday 23rd October 2023 to Friday 3rd November 2023

Term 2

Monday 6th November 2023 to Tuesday 19th December 2023

INSET Day for Staff: Friday 17th November 2023

Christmas Break: Wednesday 20th December to Tuesday 2nd January 2024

Term 3

Wednesday 3rd January 2024 to Friday 23rd February 2024

Tuesday 20th Feb 2024 - Last day of term for KS4

This is due to admissions taking place Wed 21st - Fri 23rd Feb

INSET Day: Friday 9th February 2024

Half Term: Monday 26th February 2024 to Friday 8th March 2024

Term 4

Monday 11th March 2024 to Friday 17th May 2024

Easter Break: Thursday 28th March 2024 to Monday 1st April 2024

INSET Day for Staff: Tuesday 2nd April 2024

Term 4 resumes: Wednesday 3rd April 2024

Half Term: Monday 20th May 2024 to Friday 31st May 2024

Term 5 Monday 3rd June 2024 to Wednesday 24th July 2024



INSET Days (Only Staff in School)




  • Tuesday 27th August & Wednesday 28th August 2024
  • Monday 4th November 2024
  • Friday 7th February 2025
  • Friday 20th June 2025

Start of Term 1 (2024/2025)


End of Term 1

INSET Day for Staff: Tuesday 27th August & Wednesday 28th August 2024

Students in Years 10 & 12: Thursday 29th August 2024
Students in Years 11,13 & 14: Monday 2nd September 2024 to Friday 18th October 2024

Half Term: Monday 21st October 2024 to Friday 1st November 2024

Term 2

Monday 4th November 2024 to Friday 20th December 2024

INSET Day for Staff: Monday 4th November 2024

Christmas Break: Monday 23rd December to Friday 3rd January 2025

Term 3

Monday 6th January 2025 to Friday 28th February 2025

INSET Day: Friday 7th February 2025

Half Term: Monday 3rd March 2025 to Friday 14th March 2025

Term 4

Monday 17th March 2025 to Friday 16th May 2025

Easter Break: Thursday 17th April 2025 to Monday 21st April 2025

Term 4 resumes: Wednesday 23rd April 2025

Half Term: Monday 19th May 2025 to Friday 30th May 2025

Term 5

Monday 2nd June 2025 to Friday 25th July 2025

INSET Day for Staff: Friday 20th June 2025