Peripatetic Music Lessons Application Form: Supplemental Notes 2024‐2025

Please ensure you read all the information carefully before submitting your application form.

Use this document to assist with filling out the online application form for peripatetic music lessons.

Contact details

Please supply mobile numbers and email addresses that are unlikely to change. Although the peripatetic teachers will have access to the main school admin system from the start of the year, we will use the supplied contact details to deal with any issues regarding the application.


Please select from the list of available instruments. This is currently all that we offer, but feel free to contact us if you have a query regarding other instruments as, if there is enough interest to employ a new specialist teacher, then that may be a possibility.

Preferred Teacher

Please read the Peripatetic Teacher details on the website carefully and make your preferred choice for your lessons. These are not guaranteed and are dependent both on-demand and on how early your application is received. Please contact us with any queries regarding a suitable teacher.

Student or Teacher absence

Student absence - if a student is absent from school on the day of their peri music lesson, the missed lesson cannot be rescheduled for a later date.

Lessons missed due to any reason other than school absence - the peri music lessons run back-to-back, so it is not possible to reschedule lessons at short notice.  However, if a student is able to give their peri teacher at least 7 days prior notice of being unable to attend their peri music lesson, the teacher may be able to rearrange their lesson, if they are able to find an alternative date and time.  However, there is no guarantee a lesson can be rescheduled.

Teacher absence – in the event of a peri teacher being absent, all missed lessons will be rescheduled for another date during that term or the following term.

Planned or unplanned school closures

In the event of a school closure due to either a planned event, i.e. open days, parents consultation days or an unplanned closure, i.e. bad weather or industrial action, the peri lessons will be offered online.

Payment Options

The full cost of the peripatetic course of lessons is £600.00. Applications are for 27 half-hour lessons. These lessons take place between terms 1‐4. 

We currently offer the following payment options for peripatetic music lessons:

  1. Payment in six instalments – six separate payments of £100.00. 

(NB:  unfortunately, we cannot accept payment by cash)



Please note that once payment in full or the first instalment has been made, and the lessons arranged, the school enters into a contractual commitment with the teacher. Consequently, it is not possible to offer a refund in the event of a student wishing to discontinue lessons at any point in the year.

Payment for the full course fee will still be required in the event of a student stopping their lessons prior to the end of the course. Individual circumstances may be considered by the Peripatetic Coordinator under mitigating circumstances.

Free lessons

A set of free lessons can be offered to the following groups of students:

(NB. Free lessons may be stopped if more than two lessons are missed without authorisation)

  1. Year 10/11 Music Strand – All Music Strand students in Years 10 and 11 are entitled to one free course of lessons on the instrument of their choosing. It is suggested that this should be on their first instrument of study, but this could be on a second instrument if they already have lessons on their first instrument outside school.
  2. Year 10/11 Musical Theatre Strand – All Musical Theatre students in Years 10 and 11 are entitled to one free course of lessons on the instrument of their choosing.
  3. Year 10/11 Music GCSE Option – All students in Years 10 and 11 who are studying Music GCSE option, are entitled to one free set of lessons on the instrument of their choosing.
  4. The Utley Foundation Bursary Scheme – if you are eligible for a bursary award or Free School Meals, then you may apply for a set of free lessons (except if the student is already in receipt of free lessons under terms 1‐3 outlined above). Please note that you must have made your bursary application prior to applying for the lessons. If the bursary is not awarded, then the full fee will be payable. If the fee cannot be paid then, unfortunately, the lessons will have to be cancelled.

Additional Lessons

All students in the school are eligible to apply for a maximum of two courses of lessons. Some students may receive their first set of lessons free under the terms outlined above in points 1‐3. All students in the school must pay for their second set of lessons. Please note:

  1. Any applications for a second set of lessons will only be processed once initial applications for first sets of lessons from all students have been processed.
  2. Having two separate teachers for the same instrument (e.g. two singing teachers) is not allowed.

Short Courses

Once full‐term places have been allocated, there might be additional space for short-term peripatetic lessons. However, the only way to guarantee lessons is to apply for the full course of 27.

More information regarding attendance and communication policies, timetables and exams will be given to students before they start their lessons.

If you have any queries regarding the application process or require further information, please contact: