Governance Structure

The following Directors/Trustees/Governors/Members are detailed below. 

The Senior Leadership Team and the various committees are also detailed below.

For more information on our Governors, please visit the Governors' Biographies page.


Chair of Trustees

Josh Berger CBE    email



BPI (British Recorded Music Industry) Limited

Tony Wadsworth CBE


Louise Cooper


Kathryn Ambrosi

Paul Burger

Magdalin Clancy

Maggie Crowe OBE

Becky Allen

Angela Ferreira

Cush Jumbo 

Martin Locket

Dej Mahoney

Tanya Rose Simpson

Al Webber

Jasmine Wilson

Staff Governors (Co-opted) 

Lakshmy Rajah    email

Andrew Smith    email


Parent Governors (Co-opted)

James Hillier

Ian Faragager


Senior Leadership

Principal & Accounting Officer

Stuart Worden    email

Assistant Principal

Della Gibbins    email

Vice PrincipalCreative Arts

Adrianne Chapman    email

Vice PrincipalPerforming Arts

Ray Oudkerk    email

Vice PrincipalStudent Experience

Claire Mullord    email


Director of People & Place

Imtiaz Aziz    email

Director of Communications

Alexa Cruickshank    email

People & Places Committee

Principal & Accounting Officer 
Stuart Worden    email
Chair of Trustees
Josh Berger CBE    email

Director of People & Place
Imtiaz Aziz    email

Director of Finance

Directors/Trustees/ Nominated Governors/ Members of the Company

Maggie Crowe OBE
Jasmine Wilson

Principal's Performance Management

Josh Berger CBE (Chair)   email

Jasmine Wilson

Kathryn Ambrosi

Tanya Rose Simpson


Principal's Performance Management Consultant

Louise Soden



Finance Committee

Martin Locket (Chair)

Paul Burger

Magdalin Clancy

James Hillier  

Stuart Worden 

Ian Faragher- Parent Governor/Trustee


PR/Marketing Committee

Directors/Trustees/ Nominated Governors/ Members of the Company
Maggie Crowe OBE
Principal & Accounting Officer 
Stuart Worden    email
Director of Communications
Alexa Cruickshank    email

Governance Committee

Directors/Trustees/ Nominated Governors/ Members of the Company
Angela Ferreira
Dej Mahoney

Vice Principal – Performing Arts
Ray Oudkerk    email

Chief Operating Officer

Louise Cooper


Curriculum & Student Welfare Committee

Principal & Accounting Officer
Stuart Worden    email

Assistant Principal
Della Gibbins    email

Vice Principal – Student Experience
Claire Mullord    email

Directors/Trustees/ Nominated Governors/Members of the Company
Kathryn Ambrosi
Paul Burger
Maggie Crowe OBE
Cush Jumbo OBE
Dej Mahoney
Staff Governor
Lakshmy Rajah    email

Attendance, Relevant Business, and Financial Interests

Please see below the Attendance, Relevant Business, and Financial Interests (Governors) document:

The BRIT School Relevant Business & Pecuniary Interests of Members, Trustees and SLT

Financial Information

The BRIT School Financial Benchmarking can you view by clicking here.

The BRIT School Annual Financial Statement 2019

The BRIT School Annual Financial Statement 2020

The BRIT School Annual Financial Statement 2021

The BRIT School Annual Financial Statement 2022

The BRIT School Annual Financial Statement 2023