Applying to the BRIT School

We have two intakes:

  • Key Stage 4 (aged 14-16)
  • Post 16 (aged 16-18)

You will need to apply for Key Stage 4 in September when you begin Year 9 in your current school. You will need to apply for Post 16 in September you begin Year 11 in your current school. Applicants who will be 18 at the start of the course cannot be considered. We do not admit students into Years 11 or 13. The BRIT School application process takes around 10 months.

Click here to complete an application form.

If your application is successful

You will be invited to a practical workshop/audition. Please read the Admissions Policy found on p.38 carefully before making an application as this will explain the practical requirements and admission criteria.

Do I live close enough?

We accept students from most of Greater London and some parts of Kent and Surrey. Catchment postcodes are on  p.37 of the Prospectus p.37 of the Prospectus or click here for a full list. We are allowed to take ten percent of applicants from outside this area, but only if you show unusual merit. We discourage long journeys so check the length of your commute from home to Selhurst station, situated five minute walk from the school. You will need proof of your address during the application procedure to show you are in the catchment area.

Do I have to pay?

It is free to attend The BRIT School. However, limits on the School’s budget mean that we do need to charge for certain activities, such as non-curriculum visits and peripatetic music tuition. In some subjects, students will also need to provide their own specialist professional equipment; each course’s individual documentation provides guidance.

Can I get financial support?

We have limited funds for bursary grants to support travel costs, free school meals and peripatetic lessons. This support is available where the main family income comes from Job Seeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Widowed Parent’s Allowance, Incapacity Benefit or a State Pension. We will also consider applications from students with a low family income. A copy of the Charging and Remissions Policy is available on request.

When will we find out?

Workshops will be held from December to March, and we will endeavour to communicate decisions within four weeks of your workshop/meeting date.

Can I apply if I have additional educational needs?

Our Additional Educational Needs (AEN) Department provides support for students with learning difficulties in order to help them overcome barriers to their learning and fulfil their potential.

The BRIT School welcomes applications from students with additional educational needs, in accordance with the School’s inclusion policy. However, you must still fulfil the criteria set out by the particular strand for which you would like to apply, such as passion and talent in your chosen area.

It is important that you let us know on your application form of any identified additional educational needs so that we can consider this throughout the admissions process and beyond. All applicants with an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) issued by their Local Authority will be supported in their interview by a member of our AEN Department.

If a student with additional educational needs is granted a place, the AEN Department will make contact prior to their admission in order to begin the process of working together with parents/carers and students. Some students are offered support within the classroom from one of our Learning Support Assistants (LSAs), while others spend time within the AEN Department’s facilities on an individual or group basis.

We also support teaching staff by providing them with relevant information and training.