Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act was introduced to promote transparency in public bodies. It introduces a public "right to know,” which is often used by journalists, researchers, and campaigning groups. The School is subject to the Act under Schedule 1 Part IV 52(a) as ‘a maintained school, as defined by section 20(7) of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.
The BRIT School strives to be as open as possible in its attitudes, operations, policies and processes, and is pleased to share information about its activities.
The best way to find information about the school is to use the Search feature and/or the FAQ section on the school website. However, if you cannot find the information you require, please read the guidance on making a request.
If you wish to request under the Freedom of Information Act or have any related queries, please email:
Making a request
The easiest way to make a request is to email:
For a request to be considered valid under the Freedom of Information Act, it must:
- Be in writing;
- Include a name and address for correspondence (email address is sufficient);
- Detail the information requested.
However, any request for information received in writing by a school member of staff can constitute an FOI request. The school may charge a fee for the information or disbursements (postage, photocopying, etc. where reasonable). Once it has received the fee, the school must respond to requests within 20 working days by:
- Confirming whether it holds the information, and
- Either providing a copy or summary of the information or arranging for the requester to inspect the information,
- Or inform the requester about why the information has been withheld.
There is also some helpful guidance from the Information Commissioner's Office on how to make a request.
Please note that Freedom of Information requests are not the same as Subject Access Requests, which are handled in line with current Data Protection regulations.